Many social transformations are taking place in all countries originating in the objective and subjective circumstances in those countries, whose management requires the dialogue approach among academics and social practitioners to ensure the happening of an effective impact on its policies.
This study aimed at assessing the management of social transformations in the Arab countries through the employment ofthe qualitative research with its five methods (observation, content analysis, focusgroups work, brainstorming, and comparison). According to the outcome of the findings, it turns out that the social transformations taking place in the Arab countries due to geographical,biological,demographic, technological, cultural, economic, political and ideological reasons are not managed according to the dialogue approach among academics and social practitioners, which is influential on their policies. The reason for the lack of such dialogue may be attributed to many factors, most importantly the weakness in Governance approach and the weakness in the technical capacity of the Secretariat of the Council of Arab social Affairs ministers and the absence of experiences exchange between the Arab League and the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization.
Out of the study findings arouse a number of recommendations and practical proposals which ensure finding an effective and efficient management of social transformations in the Arab countries in the event of adoption and implementation.