
Journal of Media and Social Studies for Specialized Researches (JMSSSR)

About the Journal :

The Journal of Media and Social Studies for Specialized Researches is issued quarterly by the Malaysian Institute of Science and Development (MISD), it is considered valuable achievement for SIATS institute to establish this journal in order to serve the issues of nations and human society’s. The journal contributes significantly in research and development through publishing distinguished researchers according to the scientific publishing standards. The journal is an outcome of collaborations between a distinguished community of leading academics and researchers from Arabic, Islamic and Western world.
Journal Goals :
To encourage the scientific research in the Arabic and Islamic universities, as well to provide the opportunity for researchers to publish their scientific researchers.
To contribute in producing continuous and specialized researchers in the areas of media, communication, and social sciences.
Encouraging the creative researches and competition between researchers which will contribute to improve the researcher’s skills and researcher’s


ABSTRACT : Algeria has known since its independence to the present day the emergence of many media legislations regulating the work of the media. Its purpose was to find a consensus ground between professionals and the authority, which despite its approval of the principle of media pluralism in 1989, However, it still controls the process of information, while the media advocates greater freedom in the expression and access to the sources of the news, and behind this is to deliver the correct information to the readers who demand their right to inform the subject and impartially away from all the political interactions and narrow personal interests of those with influence in the various branches of the state up to its pyramid.

 Since the written press in Algeria was the center of attention of all media laws, including the first organic law of the media for the year 2012, it is now required to submit a informations compatible with all constitutions and covenants that have a direct relationship to journalistic work ethics, which in recent years have become the subject of debate and exchange of media Among the various actors in the Algerian media scene, divided between a supporter of a commitment to the ethics of the written press, and demands for more rights, even if at the expense of professional ethics.

Keywords: the written press, the Algerian editorial revolution, media legislation, journalistic ethics, and political pluralism.